Safe Social Networking Practices

By |July 22nd, 2015|

Consumers are sharing more information online than ever before. DOMO created an infographic to show how much content consumers are sharing online. Every minute, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram users are sharing nearly 2.5 million pieces of content, 300,000 tweets and 220,000 photos respectively. Many times, without realizing the impact of what they are sharing.

Here are […]

Best Practices for Password Security

By |June 5th, 2015|

The inherent problem with data security is human error. Far too often, consumers use weak passwords and reuse their passwords across multiple sites, leaving them vulnerable to identity theft and fraud in the event of a breach.

Each year, password manager company SplashData compiles a list of the top 10 worst passwords. And it’s no surprise […]

Cyber Security Rules for Travel Season

By |May 22nd, 2015|

With summer just around the corner, most of us are looking to cash in on vacation time. And, cyber criminals are looking to cash in too – on your personal assets, that is! What most people don’t realize when thinking about planning their vacation is how to keep their personal and financial information secure. Here […]

Tax Identity Theft: What to do if you are a victim?

By |April 1st, 2015|

Tis the season for tax filing! As the deadline approaches, you may find that someone else has fraudulently filed your taxes, claiming your refund check for himself. Last year, 1.6 million taxpayers were affected by identity theft in the first six months alone. While the IRS has created new measures to protect against taxpayers – […]

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