News Recap: White Hat Hackers Crack Fingerprint Authentication on Phones

By |March 9th, 2016|

Fingerprint authentication on smartphones is meant to bridge the gap between security and convenience. The problem is, we leave our fingerprints everywhere – on our coffee cups, keypads, and beyond. And, hackers are constantly looking for new, innovative ways to steal our most sensitive information – fingerprints included.

In a recent Naked Security article, white hat […]

Learnings from Apple’s stance on data security

By |February 20th, 2016|

In the wake of the San Bernardino tragedy, The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) seized an iPhone that was used by one of the shooters. The FBI obtained a court order requesting Apple’s cooperation in cracking the phone’s passcode. This has generated an interesting debate surrounding encryption – for which the outcome may impact us […]

Cyber Security Rules for Travel Season

By |May 22nd, 2015|

With summer just around the corner, most of us are looking to cash in on vacation time. And, cyber criminals are looking to cash in too – on your personal assets, that is! What most people don’t realize when thinking about planning their vacation is how to keep their personal and financial information secure. Here […]

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